Dedicated July 12, 2014 - Click here to see the dedication
There is always something in the name of someone or some place.
The Corban House is dedicated to serving people and helping them anyway possible
during their time of need for temporary housing.
To understand this dedication the name Corban needs to be defined.
Corban is a given name meaning a blessing from God dedicated back to God for His use.
There are two reasons for giving the house the name Corban.
Bob and Brenda had a grandson born in 2008 and he was named Corban.
He was a happy and healthy baby. When he was 5 months old, to their shock,
he didn't wake up one morning. The determined cause of death was Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome, SIDS. This is an unexplained death of an infant that dies in the crib
while sleeping. This house is dedicated to his memory. He was a child that was a
blessing from God and had been dedicated back to God.
The second reason the house is named Corban is that we believe this house is a blessing from God and we are dedicating it back to God for His use.
Click here to hear our story
Bob and Brenda were drawn to this house in 2009. It was in great need of repair and the circumstances were such that they could not purchase the house at that time. Ron Winkles purchased the house in 2009 and totally remodeled it. Mr. Winkles is a historian and wanted to maintain the originality of the house as much as he could. When you walk through this Williamsburg style house you will find special touches from the past. Original bathroom fixtures, original wood floors, built-in shelves in the dining room and more.
When Bob and Brenda purchased the house from Mr. Winkles in 2014 for the specific purpose to offer it to those that needed temporary housing, they were surprised by all of the special features that Mr. Winkles had included. Details even down to putting keyed door locks on the bedroom doors. The Millican's say that God used Mr. Winkles in ways he was not aware of as he remodeled this house. Much appreciation is given to Mr. Winkles for doing all of the special things throughout the house.
If you have stayed in The Corban House we hope that you had a pleasant stay and we appreciate you giving us an opportunity to serve you.
If you would like to comment on your stay please go to our Facebook page, The Corban House.